More about Action Research
Written by Eileen Ferrance in Action Research. 2000. Northeast and Islands Regional Educational Laboratory At Brown University. pp 9-12.
I. Steps in Action Research
Within all the definitions of action research, there are four basic themes: empowerment of participants, collaboration through participation, acquisition of knowledge, and social change. In conducting action research, we structure routines for continuous confrontation with data on the health of a school community. These routines are loosely guided by movement through five phases of inquiry:
1. Identification of problem area
Teachers often have several questions they wish to investigate; however, it is important to limit the question to one that is meaningful and doable in the confines of their daily work. Careful planning at this first stage will limit false starts and frustrations. There are several criteria to consider before investing the time and effort in “researching” a problem. The question should An important guideline in choosing a question is to ask if it is something over which the teacher has influence. Is it something of interest and worth the time and effort that will be spent? Sometimes there is a discrete problem that is readily identifiable. Or, the problem to be studied may come from a feeling of discomfort or tension in the classroom. For example, a teacher may be using the latest fashionable teaching strategy, yet not really knowing or understanding what or how kids are learning.
2. Collection and organization of data
The collection of data is an important step in deciding what action needs to be taken. Multiple sources of data are used to better understand the scope of happenings in the classroom or school. There are many vehicles for collection of data:
journals individual files logs of meetings videotapes case studies
surveys records – tests, report cards, attendance self-assessment
samples of student work, projects, performances interviews
portfolios diaries field notes audio tapes photos memos
questionnaires focus groups anecdotal records checklists
Select the data that are most appropriate for the issue being researched. Are the data easy to collect? Are there sources readily available for use? How structured and systematic will the collection be? Use at least three sources (triangulation) of data for the basis of actions. Organize the data in a way that makes it useful to identify trends and themes. Data can be arranged by gender, classroom, grade level, school, etc.
3. Interpretation of data
Analyze and identify major themes. Depending upon the question, teachers may wish to use classroom data, individual data, or subgroup data. Some of the data are quantifiable and can be analyzed without the use of statistics or technical assistance. Other data, such as opinions, attitudes, or checklists, may be summarized in table form. Data that are not quantifiable can be reviewed holistically and important elements or themes can be noted.
4. Action based on data
Using the information from the data collection and review of current literature, design a plan of action that will allow you to make a change and to study that change. It is important that only one variable be altered. As with any experiment, if several changes are made at once, it will be difficult to determine which action is responsible for the outcome. While the new technique is being implemented, continue to document and collect data on performance.
5. Reflection
Assess the effects of the intervention to determine if improvement has occurred. If there is improvement, do the data clearly provide the supporting evidence? If no, what changes can be made to the actions to elicit better results?
II. Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is action research?
A. Action research is deliberate, solution-oriented investigation that is group or personally owned and conducted. It is characterized by spiraling cycles of problem identification, systematic data collection,reflection, analysis, data-driven action taken, and,finally, problem redefinition. The linking of the terms “action” and “research” highlights the essential features of this method: trying out ideas in.
Q. What is the purpose of action research?
A. Action research is used for various purposes: schoolbased
curriculum development, professional development, systems planning, school restructuring, and as an evaluative tool.
Q. How can teachers become researchers?
A. A teacher can decide to tackle a problem alone or join with others to learn more how children learn. They can meet after school or during common time to discuss the nature of a problem and decide on a strategy based on an analysis of data.
Q. How do I learn more about action research?
A. Many local colleges and university offer coursework on action research. Some private organizations offer workshops on the basic principles of action research and have networks that are open to interested educators. Additionally, contact the regional educational laboratory in your area.
Q. How can I use action research in my classroom?
A. You can use it to chart the effects of implementation of a curriculum or strategy, to study student learning and responses, or to profile individual students.
Q. How does action research benefit students in the classroom?
A. Action research can improve the teaching and learning process by reinforcing, modifying, or changing perceptions based on informal data and nonsystematic observations.
Q. How does action research benefit teachers?
A. Teachers learn what it is that they are able to influence
and they make changes that produce results that show change. The process provides the opportunity to work with others and to learn from the sharing of ideas.
Q. Why should schools engage in action research?
A. Reasons for performing action research fall into three categories: to promote personal and professional growth, to improve practice to enhance student learning, and to advance the teaching profession.
Q. What gains can be made from action research that affect students?
A. Change is based on data; the student is the subject and object of inquiry.
Q. Does action research take away from other instructional time?
A. Time must be made to organize, study, collect data, analyze data, and for dissemination.
Q. Who will manage action research projects?
A. Projects can be managed by the individual teacher or a team leader. With school-wide or district-wide projects, it is not unusual for an outside facilitator to manage the project.
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