Experimental Research
Written by Ari Julianto
Today posting discusses about experimental research. Experimental Research is also called Empirical Research or Cause and Effect Method. The experimental method in educational research is the application and adaptation of the classical method of experimentation.
It is a scientifically sophisticated method. It provides a method of investigation to derive basic relationships among phenomena under controlled condition or, more simply, to identify the conditions underlying the occurrence of a given phenomenon. Experimental research is the description and analysis of what will be, or what will occur, under carefully controlled conditions.
Experimenters manipulate certain stimuli, treatments, or environmental conditions and observe how the condition or behaviour of the subject is affected or changed. Such manipulations are deliberate and systematic. The researchers must be aware of other factors that could influence the outcome and remove or control them in such a way that it will establish a logical association between manipulated factors and observed factors.
Experimental research provides a method of hypothesis testing. Hypothesis is the heart of experimental research. After the experimenter defines a problem he has to propose a tentative answer to the problem or hypothesis. Further, he has to test the hypothesis and confirm or disconfirm it.
There are four essential characteristics of experimental research: (a) Control, (b) Manipulation, (c) Observation, and (d) Replication.
a. Control : Variables that are not of direct interest to the researcher, called extraneous variables, need to be controlled. Control refers to removing or minimizing the influence of such variables by several methods such as: randomization or random assignment of subjects to groups; matching subjects on extraneous variable(s) and then assigning subjects randomly to groups; making groups that are as homogenous as possible on extraneous variable.
b. Manipulation : Manipulation refers to a deliberate operation of the conditions by the researcher. In this process, a pre-determined set of conditions, called independent variable or experimental variable. It is also called treatment variable. Such variables are imposed on the subjects of experiment. In specific terms manipulation refers to deliberate operation of independent variable on the subjects of experimental group by the researcher to observe its effect. Sex, socio-economic status, intelligence, method of teaching, training or qualification of teacher, and classroom environment are the major independent variables in educational research.
c.Observation : In experimental research, the experimenter observes the effect of the manipulation of the independent variable on dependent variable. The dependent variable, for example, may be performance or achievement in a task.
d. Replication : Replication is a matter of conducting a number of sub-experiments, instead of one experiment only, within the framework of the same experimental design. The researcher may make a multiple comparison of a number of cases of the control group and a number of cases of the experimental group. In some experimental situations, a number of control and experimental groups, each consisting of equivalent subjects, are combined within a single experiment.
The following categories of experimental research designs are popular in educational research:
a. Pre-experimental designs – They are least effective and provide little or no control of extraneous variables.
b. True experimental designs – employ randomization to control the effects of variables such as history, maturation, testing, statistical regression, and mortality
c. Quasi-experimental designs – provide less satisfactory degree of control and are used only when randomization is not feasible.
d. Factorial designs- more than one independent variables can be manipulated simultaneously. Both independent and interaction effects of two or more than two factors can be studied with the help of this factorial design.
(Taken from various sources)
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