Minggu, 29 September 2013

Dimensions of Social Sciences Research


          Dimensions of Social Sciences Research

 Written by Johann Mouton in Basic Concepts in the Methodology of the Social Sciences. 1996. Human Sciences Research Council. South Africa. pp. 7-15.

In terms of this model research in the social sciences would be defined as follows:
Social sciences research is a collaborative human activity in which social reality is studied objectively with the aim of gaining a valid understanding of it.

The following dimensions of research in the social sciences are emphasized in this definition
a. the sociological dimension: scientific research is a joint or collaborative activity;

b. the ontological dimension: research in the social sciences is always directed at an aspect or aspects of social reality;

c. the ideological dimension: as a human activity, research in the social sciences is intentional and goal-directed, its main aim being the understanding of phenomena;

d. the epistemological dimension: the aim is not merely to understand phenomena, but rather to provide a valid and reliable understanding of reality;

e. the methodological dimension: research in the social sciences may be regarded as objective by virtue of its being critical, balanced, unbiased,systematic, and controllable.

Research can be discussed from various perspectives.
a. From the sociological perspective, one is interested in highlighting the social nature of research as a typical human activity — as praxis. The sociological dimension of research cannot be ignored in any analysis of the process of research. In this book we shall refer to sociological factors where we consider that they ought to be taken into account because of their effect on methodological considerations.

b. The ontologial dimension emphasizes that research always has an object — be it empirical or non-empirical. The variety of perspectives of man and society,associated with divergent domain assumptions, leads to a situation where one cannot talk about the research domain of the social sciences. The content of the ontological dimension of research in the social sciences must, as is the case in the other dimensions, be regarded as variable.

c. When one looks at research within the ideological perspective, one wants to stress that research is goal-driven and purposive. Research is not a mechanical or merely automatic process, but is directed towards specifically human goals of understanding and gaining insight and explanation.

d. The epistemological dimension focuses on the fact that this goal of understanding or gaining insight should always be further clarified in terms of what would be regarded as “proper” or “good” understanding. Traditionally ideals of truth and wisdom have been pursued by scientists. More recently other ideals — problem solving, verisimilitude, validity, and so on — have been put forward.The primary aim of research in the social sciences is to generate valid findings, i.e. that the findings should approximate reality as closely as possible.

e. Finally, the methodological dimension of research refers to the ways in which these various ideals may be attained. It also refers to such features as the systematic and methodical nature of research and why such a high premium is placed on being critical and balanced in the process of research.