Differences between Master’s
and Doctoral Theses
Written by Brian Paltridge and Sue Starfiel in Thesis and Dissertation Writing in a Second Language, A handbook for supervisors. 2007. Routledge. New York.pp.55-56.
An important point for students to consider before they write their research proposal is the degree they are writing it for, and what that degree requires of them. A number of writers have discussed differences in expectations between master’s and doctoral theses, and their characterizing features (e.g. Madsen 1992; Elphinstone and Schweitzer 1998; Tinkler and Jackson 2000).
It is important for students to understand these differences at the outset of their research project, as this will impact on the focus and scale of the project they plan to undertake, and, in turn, the research proposal they write.As Madsen (1992) points out, generally a doctoral thesis has greater breadth, depth and intention than a master’s thesis.
Below is a summary of the distinction he makes between a master’s dissertation and a doctoral thesis.
A master’s dissertation demonstrates:
● an original investigation or the testing of ideas;
● competence in independent work or experimentation;
● an understanding of appropriate techniques as well as their limitations;
● an expert knowledge of the published literature on the topic under investigation;
● evidence of the ability to make critical use of published work and source materials;
● an appreciation of the relationship between the research topic and the wider field of knowledge;
● the ability to present the work at an appropriate level of literary quality.
A doctoral thesis demonstrates:
● all of the above, plus:
● a distinct contribution to knowledge, as shown by the topic under investigation, the methodology employed, the discovery of new facts, or interpretation of the findings.
In scope, the doctoral thesis differs from a master’s research degree by its deeper, more comprehensive treatment of the subject under investigation (Elphinstone and Schweitzer 1998).
A doctoral thesis is also required to demonstrate authority in the area of research. That is, the student is expected to have an expert and up-to-date knowledge of the area of study and research that is relevant to their particular topic.
The thesis also needs to be written in succinct, clear, error-free English. At the doctoral level, examiners are often asked whether the thesis contains material that is in some way worthy of publication. The issue of a ‘distinct contribution to knowledge’ is an important consideration at the doctoral level.
In short, has the writer carried out a piece of work that demonstrates that a research apprenticeship is complete and that the student ‘should be admitted to the community of scholars in the discipline?’
A study carried out by Tinkler and Jackson (2000) in Great Britain found that while there was a large amount of agreement among the criteria used by universities for defining doctoral theses, the actual examination of the thesis was often conceptualized, and carried out, in rather different ways. It is therefore important for students to be aware of the criteria their university will use for assessing their thesis.
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