Types of Action Research
Written by Ari Julianto
There are different types of action research that depend upon the participants involved. A plan of research can involve a single teacher investigating an issue in his or her classroom, a group of teachers working on a common problem, or a team of teachers and others focusing on a school- or district-wide issue.
1. Individual teacher research
This type usually focuses on a single issue in the classroom. The teacher may be seeking solutions to problems of classroom management, instructional strategies, use of materials, or student learning. Teachers may have support of their supervisor or principal, an instructor for a course they are taking, or parents. The problem is one that the teacher believes is evident in his or her classroom and one that can be addressed on an individual basis. The research may then be such that the teacher collects data or may involve looking at student participation. One of the drawbacks of individual research is that it may not be shared with others unless the teacher chooses to present findings at a faculty meeting, make a formal presentation at a conference, or submit written material to a listserv, journal, or newsletter. It is possible for several teachers to be working concurrently on the same problem with no knowledge of the work of others.
Focus: Single classroom issue
Possible support needed: Coach/mentor; Access to technology; Assistance with data organization and analysis
Potential impact: Curriculum; Instruction; Assessment
Side effects: Practice informed by data; Information not always shared
2. Collaborative action research
This type may include as few as two teachers or a group of several teachers and others interested in addressing a classroom or department issue. This issue may involve one classroom or a common problem shared by many classrooms. These teachers may be supported by individuals outside of the school, such as a university or community partner. The LAB at Brown has just such a relationship with several teams.
Focus: Single classroom or several classrooms with common issue
Possible support needed:Substitute teachers; Release time; Close link with administrators
Potential impact: Curriculum; Instruction; Assessment; Policy
Side effects: Improved collegiality; Formation of partnerships
3. School-wide research
This type focuses on issues common to all. For example, a school may have a concern about the lack of parental involvement in activities, and is looking for a way to reach more parents to involve them in meaningful ways.Or, the school may be looking to address its organizational and decision-making structures. Teams of staff from the school work together to narrow the question, gather and analyze the data, and decide on a plan of action. An example of action research for a school could be to examine their state test scores to identify areas that need improvement, and then determine a plan of action to improve student performance.
Focus: School issue, problem, or area of collective interest
Possible support needed: School commitment; Leadership; Communication; External partners
Potential impact: Potential to impact school restructuring and change; Policy; Parent involvement; Evaluation of programs
Side effects: Improved collegiality;collaboration,and communication;Team building; Disagreements on process
4. District-wide research
This type is far more complex and utilizes more resources, but the rewards can be great. Issues can be organizational, community-based, performance-based, or processes for decision-making. A district may choose to address a problem common to several schools or one of organizational management. Downsides are the documentation requirements (communication) to keep everyone in the loop, and the ability to keep the process in motion. Collecting data from all participants needs a commitment from staff to do their fair share and to meet agreed-upon deadlines for assignments. On the positive side, real school reform and change can take hold based on a common understanding through inquiry. The involvement of multiple constituent groups can lend energy to the process and create an environment of genuine stakeholders.
Focus: District issue; Organizational structures
Possible support needed: District commitment; Facilitator; Recorder; Communication; External partners
Potential impact: Allocation of resources; Professional development activities; Organizational structures; Policy
Side effects: Improved collegiality, collaboration,and communication; Team building; Disagreements on process;Shared vision.
(Taken from various sources)
Hope today's posting will be useful for all of us. Amien.
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