Research Design

Written by Ari Julianto
Before starting a research, the investigator will look for problem, he will read books, journals, research reports and other related literature. Based on this, he will finalise the topic for research.
During this process, he will be in close contact with his guide. As soon as the topic is decided, first task is to decide about design. Research design is a blue print or structure with in which research is conducted. It constitutes the blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of data.
A design is general strategy for conducting a research study. The nature of the hypothesis, the variables involved, and the constraints of the ?real world? all contribute to the selection of design. A design regarding WHAT?, WHERE?, WHEN?, HOW MUCH?, by WHAT? means concerning an inquiry or a research study constitute research design.
Thus, it can be said that research design is an outline of what the researcher will do from writing of objectives, hypotheses and its operational implications to find analysis of data. Research design should be able to convey following :
(a) What is the study about?
(b) Why is the study being made?
(c) Where will the study be carried out?
(d) What type of data is required?
(e) Where can the required data be found?
(f) What periods of time will the study include?
(g) What will be the sample design?
(h) What techniques of data collection will be used?
(i) How will the data be analysed?
(j) In what style will the report be prepared?
Depending upon the types of research the structure of design may vary. Suppose, one is conducting an experimental research, then identification of variables, control of variables, types of experimental design etc. be discussed properly. If someone is conducting qualitative research, then one should stress on understanding of setting, nature of data, holistic approach, selection of participants, inductive data analysis. Thus, according to nature and type of study the components of design will be decided.
In brief, research design must, at least, contain
(a) a clear statement of the research problem;
(b) procedures and techniques to be used for gathering information;
(c) the population to be studied;and
(d) methods to be used in processing and analysing data.
(Taken from various sources)
Hopefully, today's posting will be useful for all of us. Amien.