Objectives of Review of Literature
Written by Yogesh Kumar Sing in Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistic. New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
The review of literature serves the following purposes in conducting research work:
1. It provides theories, ideas, explanations or hypothesis which may prove useful in the
formulation of a new problem.
2. It indicates whether the evidence already available solves the problem adequately without
requiring further investigation. It avoids the replication.
3. It provides the sources for hypothesis. The researcher can formulate research hypothesis
on the basis of available studies.
4. It suggests method, procedure, sources of data and statistical techniques appropriate to the
solution of the problem.
5. It locates comparative data and findings useful in the interpretation and discussion of results.
The conclusions drawn in the related studies may be significantly compared and may be
used as the subject for the findings of the study.
6. It helps in developing experts and general scholarship of the investigator in the area
7. It contributes towards the accurate knowledge of the evidence or literature in one’s area of
activity is a good avenue towards making oneself. This knowledge is an asset ever afterwards,
whether one is employed in an institution of higher learning or a research organization.
Bruce W. Tuckman (1978) has enumerated the following purposes of the review:
1. Discovering important variable.
2. Distinguishing what has been done from what needs to be done.
3. Synthesizing the available studies to have perspective.
4. Determining meanings, relevance of the study and relationship with the study and its deviation
from the available studies.
Edward L. Vockell (1983) has pointed out the following two purposes:
• The main purpose of this review is to put the hypothesis to be examined in the research
report into its proper context.
• Secondary purposes of this part of the report are to provide readers with guidelines regarding
where they can look to find more information and to establish the author’s credential by
letting readers know that the researcher is aware of what has been going on with regard to
the current and related topics.
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