Menulis Kesimpulan (Conclusions) di Skripsi/Thesis
Written by Ari Julianto
Sebelum membuat kesimpulan, kita harus mengetahui apa yang dimaksud dengan istilah 'kesimpulan' (conclusion) dalam penulisan sebuah skripsi. Secara garis besarnya, kesimpulan (conclusion) dapat diartikan sebagai berikut:
a. Kesimpulan merupakan bab penutup berisi uraian singkat atau rincian yang merupakan konsekuensi pembahasan bab-bab sebelumnya,
b. Kesimpulan merupakan jawaban masalah yang telah dirumuskan dalam pendahuluan (ini yang terpenting). Jika ada tiga butir permasalahan Anda maka tiga atau empat butir juga kesimpulan Anda,
c. Kesimpulan menyajikan gambaran isi Karya tulis yang telah diuraikan dalam bab-bab sebelumnya secara singkat dan meyakinkan,
d. Kesimpulan tidak menyajikan kutipan dan dermisi,
e. Kesimpulan tidak menyajikan hal-hal yang tidak diuraikan sebelumnya.
f. Kesimpulan skripsi/makalah disertai saran-saran yang ditujukan secara jelas kepada seseorang, sekelompok orang, atau sekelompok orang dalam lembaga tertentu.
Kesimpulan berupa interpretasi atas hasil analisis, dapat berupa inferensi dan dapat pula berupa implikasi. Inferensi adalah kesimpulan berdasarkan referensi, tidak melibat data secara langsung, sedangkan implikasi adalah keimpulan yang melibat data.
Secara umum persyaratan ejaan, pilihan kata, kalimat, dan paragraf, serupa dengan persyaratan bahasa pada naskah utama. Perbedaan terdapat pada pilihan kata terutama kata-kata transisi yang cenderung menunjukkan hubungan penegas, misalnya:
- dengan demikian, jadi (so, so that etc)
- dapat disimpulkan bahwa (It can be concluded that)
- fakta menunjukkan adanya kecenderungan (The fact shows that there is a tend to...)
- hubungan yang menyatakan hasil atau akibat, misalnya:
jadi (so), hasilnya (the result), akibatnya (the effect is).
Kesimpulan dapat disajikan dalam dua bentuk, yakni:
a. Uraian paragraf, contohnya
Based on the research conducted in X grade at MA Darul Ma’arif Cipete in academic year 2010/2011, it can be concluded that the students could improve their writing ability of recount text through picture sequences.To improve students’ writing ability of recount text, the students analyze the schematic structures concerning orientation, events, and re-orientation of any kinds of stories based on the picture given then they have to retell the story using their own words into a good order of recount text.
These improvements could be seen from the students’ achievement where there were 75% who passed the KKM 69 with the improvement of students’ mean score from pretest to the posttest of the second cycle was 12,5%. In the pretest, there were only 5 students who passed the KKM. Meanwhile, in the posttest of cycle one, there were 14 students who passed the KKM or 35%. Next in the result of posttest in the cycle 2, it was gained 32 or 80% students who passed the KKM in which their mean score of writing test derived 72.62.
From the observation during the teaching-learning process of writing recount text, it showed that the students were motivated in the teaching-learning process, they felt interested in understanding the story based the picture, and they could write recount text well.
Finally, the teacher’s response about the implementation of Picture Sequences was positive and it would be alternative way in teaching writing. Therefore, Picture Sequences could improve the students’ writing ability of recount text.
b. Rincian bernomor, contohnya
Based on the research conducted in X grade at MA Darul Ma’arif Cipete in academic year 2010/2011, it can be concluded as follows
1. The students could improve their writing ability of recount text through picture sequences. To improve students’ writing ability of recount text, the students analyze the schematic structures concerning orientation, events, and re-orientation of any kinds of stories based on the picture given then they have to retell the story using their own words into a good order of recount text,
2. There were 75% who passed the KKM 69 with the improvement of students’ mean score from pretest to the posttest of the second cycle was 12,5%. In the pretest, there were only 5 students who passed the KKM. Meanwhile, in the posttest of cycle one, there were 14 students who passed the KKM or 35%. Next in the result of posttest in the cycle 2, it was gained 32 or 80% students who passed the KKM in which their mean score of writing test derived 72.62,
3. The students were motivated in the teaching-learning process, they felt interested in understanding the story based the picture, and they could write recount text well,
4. The teacher’s response about the implementation of Picture Sequences was positive and it would be alternative way in teaching writing. Therefore, Picture Sequences could improve the students’ writing ability of recount text.
Beberapa kalimat awal untuk kesimpulan (conclusion) dalam sebuah skripsi/thesis bisa berpa antara lain
- Based on the findings of the research....
- Returning to the hypothesis/question posed at the beginning of this study, it is now possible to state that ....
- This study has shown that ....
- The following conclusions can be drawn from the present study ....
- This study/research has shown that ....
- The results of this investigation show that ....
T- he most obvious finding to emerge from this study is that ...
- The results of this study indicate that ....
- The findings from this study make several contributions to the current literature. First,…
- etc
(Diambil dari berbagai sumber)
Demikianlah pembahasan kita kali ini. Semoga bermanfaat. Amin.
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